Terms & Conditions

Koala Klubs Terms and Conditions


Payment for our clubs is on booking. Where there has been an option to pay a deposit at booking and pay the remaining balance later, remaining payments can be made at the customers convenience, but full payment must be made,10 days before the club starts. This also applies where a flexible payment option has been arranged with a customer.

Offers and Discounts:

Only one discount is allowed at a time and only one per promotion. Koala Klubs reserves the right to disallow offers and discounts if they have been used incorrectly.

Sibling discount is only for Full Day bookings. Koala Klubs reserves the right to amend invoices where sibling discount has been used on Half Day bookings.

Unlimited Use terms and conditions:

Each pass can only be used one per child. For example, for 2 children you would need to buy 2 unlimited passes.

Your pass must be used for the child you have purchased it for only.

The passes expire on 31st December. No camps in 2024 can be booked using the pass.

Koala Klubs reserves the right to cancel a pass due to misuse, without refund.

This cannot be used with any other offer.

When you purchase a pass you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.

Please note, not all of our sites run holiday camps at all school holidays, some of our camps only operate at Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays. It is the customer’s responsibility to check if your nearest venue is running, to know if the pass is financially viable for you.


Your invoice confirms what you have booked. Please check it, including dates, location and child details. Responsibility for all booking details lies with the person who made the booking. If your invoice is not what you expected please tell us within 48 hours, we’ll change it if we can, or refund you if we can’t. After 48 hours our normal cancellation and booking amendment terms will apply.

Our sites:

Under our Ofsted exemption, we operate on open sites, where there may be members of the public. When booking onto our clubs you are agreeing that you accept that at certain sites we may need to walk children from one site to another or from one area to another. This is particularly relevant at our Sidcup, Long Eaton, Ilkeston and Glossop sites. All of our clubs are risk assessed, we have fully trained and DBS checked staff to safely walk the children from one area of the venues to another.

From time to time we may be required at short notice to change the site we are operating from. Where this happens we will do our best to notify parents with as much notice as we can.

At our Bingham and Ilkeston sites, there is a small walk to the swimming pool, agreeing to our terms and conditions you are giving us consent to walk the children to the swimming pool if you wish them to swim

Changing days:

Changing days is permitted where available 14 days before the attended date and can only be altered for a day during the same holiday period subject to availability. Any days purchased in a special offer can only be changed for the same holiday period. For example, a day change over the Christmas holiday must be changed to another day during the Christmas holiday.

Cancellations:iPlease note that cancellations must be made at least 20 days prior to your booking. Later cancellations, or failure to attend clubs without notifying us will result in you being unable to receive a refund.

If cancellations are made before the 20 working day period, the fees that Koala Klubs has incurred will be deducted from your refund. (This is usually 10%, but is more for camp Wilderness, see below)

If cases can’t be refunded then sessions can be moved to another camp during the same or different school holiday.

Please note, cancellations paid for with any special offers cannot be refunded and cannot be altered to a different holiday period..

For any cancellations of clubs you will be contacted by email.

HAF - No shows. If you book onto our HAF free provison and you do not show up without letting us know, the remainder of your booking will be cancelled and you will not be able to re book with Koala Klubs for the remainder of that school holiday period


At our camps we may take photos of the children doing activities for our website and social media page. When booking, you must state either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question about photography.

Health and Safety:

In order to maintain appropriate standards of health and safety, children with certain medical or physical conditions or those who cannot demonstrate the required skill competence may not be allowed to participate in some activities. In such cases we will always provide alternative activities.

Children attending the camps are required to be able to use the bathroom themselves and change themselves at swimming times without assistance.

By agreeing to our terms and conditions you agree that Koala Klubs can carry out necessary first aid on your child whilst at our camps

Your Child’s Information:

 At the time of booking full and accurate information about the child’s DOB, medical, physical or behavioural matters, or any other additional needs must be provided. Failure to do so may result in the child being excluded from certain activities. In some circumstances we may have to cancel the booking and no refund will be paid. On the first day at camp each season a completed, signed and printed Essential Information form must be handed in directly to the camp. Without this form, we cannot accept children onto camp. All information given will be treated in complete confidence.

Child Protection:

Koala Klubs staff have a duty to respond if they suspect a child may be suffering from or makes a disclosure about abuse. In this event staff will contact the relevant local authority and act on their advice.

We do not allow children to use mobile phones or bring other devices to our camps. Devices, particularly those with camera’s, do not adhere to our safeguarding policy. Other devices are not allowed because of risk of losing items, Koala Klubs are not responsible for children’s belongings.

Staff ratios:

Our staff to child ratios all work within the legal requirements.

Liability and Personal Property:

Koala Klubs does not accept liability for personal injury or the death of any person unless directly caused by the proven negligence of the company or its servants, in this event our liability insurance provides cover of up to £10 million.

Koala Klubs will not take responsibility for the loss or damage of any items of personal property brought onto the camp our insurance doesn’t cover personal items.


Koala Klubs reserves the right to exclude any child for any reason at its absolute discretion, including persistent late collection; we are only registered to have children on site until 6pm. No refund will be made for days missed and no compensation will be made for any other costs or losses incurred as a result.

Parental failure to declare any SEN requirements or disclose any known medical condition at the time of booking will have their childrens place cancelled and will not be eligible for a refund

Programme and Activities:

From time to time we may need to amend our activities, services, dates and venues for reasons, within or outside our control. In these circumstances parents may choose to transfer to another Koala Klubs site and/or alternative dates as advertised at that time by Koala Klubs, subject to other conditions contained herein. Under no circumstances will there be a refund or compensation. Please note that not all activities appear on the timetable daily, therefore if you are booking individual days we cannot guarantee specific activities on particular days.


Koala Klubs is committed to ensuring every child has such an amazing experience they can’t wait to come back. If you or your child are not entirely satisfied with the service we provide, then we want to be the first to know. If there’s a problem while your child is still at the camp we can almost always resolve it. If we hear of a problem after a child has left camp we will take great care to look into the matter, but cannot change the situation after the event, so please talk to the Camp Manager promptly if you have any complaint. If your child is still at camp and the problem persists please contact our Managing Director, Neil Vanderwalt. In the unlikely event your complaint is still unresolved, you may wish to contact Ofsted on 0300 123 1231 or write to Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD.

Refunds and compensation:

Will only be made if Koala Klubs is proven to have been in breach of these terms and conditions, and it is proven further that they were not capable of remedying that breach and as a result the child was withdrawn from the camp. Please note: verbal abuse of office or camp staff will not be tolerated and bookings cancelled with immediate effect.

Please note, any clubs paid for with special offers are non-refundable.

In special cases where a pay later arrangement is made, non-refundable deposits will be required.

KOALA KLUBS acts as a Data Controller for the purposes of GDPR. This policy sets out how we will collect, use and store any personal data. To process your booking/enquiry we need to collect personal details about you and all the children on your booking and when you visit our website or click on our ads we will also collect information about those sessions to use for marketing purposes.

By creating an account with us, you are agreeing to us storing and processing this information as set out below. You are responsible for ensuring you have the agreement from all persons on your account and booking to pass on their details to us. We will respect and protect your privacy at all times.

When do we collect data?

When you register your details with us or make a booking we will need to collect certain personal details in order to process your booking and make the necessary arrangements for your child(ren) to attend camp.

Prior to attending camp we will also need to collect more sensitive personal data, specifically relating to the children on your bookings, such as medical conditions, allergies and educational needs in order to ensure we can provide the appropriate care for your child.

During camp you may need to complete forms which will require personal information relating to you or your child or if you contact us with a query/complaint.

We will also collect data from you for monitoring and marketing purposes including when you visit our website, click on our ads, enter a competition, complete a survey, follow us through social media or sign up to email or text messages.

What data do we collect?

Account Holder details - Name, address, DOB, telephone numbers, email address, encrypted log in password, security word, details of your interactions with us e.g. a query on your account/complaint, payment card details, comments and service reviews, work address and telephone number and social media username if you make contact with us in this way.

Children’s details – Name, address, DOB, medical, behavioural or educational needs, swimming ability, school, registered GP, language and distinguishing marks.

The law requires us to take reasonable steps to ensure data is kept accurate and up to date. We remind customers to update details when logging into their account and employees will also confirm customer’s details during telephone conversations.


We collect data when you visit our website, interact with us on social media or click on our ads. This data gives us information such as your browser, IP address, operating system, device, pages visited, length of time on site, location, etc. This is statistical information to help us provide the best online experience for our customers and does not identify any individual.

Our website uses cookies and also contains links to and from other websites and suppliers including advertisers and schools. If you follow a link from our site to another site, please be aware that the third party site will have its own privacy and data protection policies. Specific suppliers include Google Maps, Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Adroll, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Tik Tok and Twitter. By accessing this content you will also be sent cookies from these sites and this data will be used for the personalisation of marketing communications and ads. Details of all suppliers and their individual Privacy Policies can be found in the Cookies section at the end of this policy.

How do we use your data?

Service Delivery - If you have a booking with us, we will use your data in relation to delivering our childcare services, to contact you with information relating to your booking and your child(ren)’s time at camp, to protect the welfare of your child, to comply with our legal obligations and to process payments.

Marketing Communications - If you have registered an account with us, we may use your data to contact you via post, email, phone or text message with information about offers, news, services and products or to administer prize draws/competitions you may have entered or to send surveys or feedback requests. We will only do this if you have opted in to receive such information from us and you have the right to opt out of your data being used for marketing purposes at any time. Please let us know if your details or preferences change so we can keep our records up to date.

Opting In/Out - Your privacy is important to us which is why we like to make sure you’re in control. You can opt in or out at any time by ticking/unticking certain boxes that relate to your personal information and its use. You can do this yourself by logging into your account or contacting us at neil@koalaklubs.net or on 07891833965. You can also click ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of any emails from us and can text ‘STOP’ to any SMS messages. We will then update your account accordingly. You can also opt in/out of the use of Cookies when you first visit our site.

Third Parties - In order to fulfil our services to you it is at times necessary to pass your details to a third party. For example, your payment will be taken via a secure credit card processing company called Stripe. Details of Stripes privacy policy can be found on their website. Any details passed on will be transferred in a secure manner.

At times, third parties manage our data, for such services as de-duping, mailing, e-marketing campaigns, data analysis and profiling. Information is given securely and only to approved suppliers. These suppliers include Mailchimp, SurveyMonkey, Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Adroll, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok and Linkedin. Some of these third parties may send data to the US if that is where they are based. 

Should any safeguarding concerns or legal proceedings require us to pass on your personal information we trust you will understand that we have a duty to comply with the law. Please be aware that the way in which your personal details would be legally protected within the UK may differ from other countries.

How do we protect data?

Storage - Once data is received, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure your data is secure to prevent unauthorised access to it. All information you provide is stored on secure databases, our IT systems are password protected, hard copy information at camp is held in lockable containers and all payment transactions are encrypted.

Transfer - Barracudas uses WeTransfer when sending confidential and sensitive information by email to customers or external suppliers/authorities. This is a cloud based computer file service which encrypts the files and therefore cannot be intercepted.

Security and passwords - When you create an account with us you are assigned a Customer ID number. Your account will require an email and password so that you can access your details online. We advise your password should consist of at least six characters that are a combination of letters, numbers and symbols (e.g.@, #, $, %). It should also contain letters in both uppercase and lowercase.

You will also need to set up a security word that you will quote when you contact us by phone or live chat. This is to ensure that information stored on your account is only discussed with you. If you can’t remember your security word, we will not be able to disclose any information to you until we have been through a number of security questions to confirm your identity.

Please do not share your password or security word with anyone. Unfortunately, the passing of data via the internet is not completely secure therefore any transmission is at your own risk. Please keep these details safe and not written down anywhere. If you change your personal details or if you suspect that someone else has used your password or security word, then please notify us as soon as possible.

How long do we keep data for?

There are legal requirements for how long we have to keep data for before destroying it. Due to the nature of our services involving children we are required to keep information relating to each child and their booking for 3 years after the child would have turned 21 years. When the time arises, we securely delete and destroy all of the information we hold. Hard copies of personal data are shredded and electronic copies are securely deleted.

Whilst we hold data for longer, we will only actively use this to contact you regarding our products and services within a maximum of 3 years after your last booking/enquiry with us.

What is our legal basis for processing data?

Our lawful bases for processing data are as follows;

Consent – consent has been obtained to use personal data

Contract – the processing of data is necessary to fulfil our service agreement with customers

Legitimate Interest – we use your data to pursue our legitimate interests in such ways which would be reasonably expected in order to operate our business and which does not impact on the freedom or rights of customers

Your rights

You have the following rights in relation to your data:

Right to access, rectification, erasure, data portability, object and automated decision making (including data profiling).

If a subject access request is put forward, we will send the information within one month and free of charge – this will be sent in a protected file. Please note that we will ask some security questions to prove your identity before disclosing any data.

If you are not happy with the way we have handled your data, or responded to your requests you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office at www.ico.org.uk/concerns or by phone on 0303 123 1113.

Changes to our policy

We reserve the right to update this policy from time to time and we will keep you informed by updating this statement on our website. Last updated May 2024.


This website uses cookies. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services.

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's experience more efficient.

The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies we need your permission.

This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages.

You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website.

Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.

Please state your consent ID and date when you contact us regarding your consent.

Your consent applies to the following domains: www.koalaklubs.net